Your Journey with Austrian Lumber Company starts now…

“It all begins with an idea. An idea to supply fully-customizable sizes of premium whitewood to the world. 100% customer-centric with unparalleled service. Quality without any compromise. This is who we are.”

Sustainable Products Built to Last

Our Premium Whitewood.

Whatever you want, we are 100% customer-driven to supply the sizes you want.

End-to-End Logistics Solutions.

Whatever you are in the world, we will deliver to you.

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“Our focus on sustainability is not secondary. It defines us.”

Wood is beautiful. What it can create is a wonder.

Our World. Our Responsibility

Sustainability is at the core of our being. This is our world. Let’s pay it respect.


Market Knowledge.

Having a presence in Canada, United States, and Europe, we have the global wood market covered. We pass on our knowledge to you to make better and smarter decisions. Smart decisions positively impact your bottom line.